Home » Dog treat balls – how to fill balls with two openings for freezing

Especially when your filling is quite fluid, it may become hard to fill dog treat balls with two openings, such as the Kongs, for example, for freezing.


In this post I want to show you how I do it


1. Have a sufficiently large piece of plastic wrap ready
2. Place your ball in the center, so you can completely cover it with the wrap later and tightly wrap the foil around the smaller hole of the ball.
3. Set the wrapped end of the ball in a coffee cup to make it stand upright and prevent it from tipping. Make sure that the hole at the bottom of the ball is still covered tightly!

Dog treat balls - how to fill balls with two openings for freezing
First cover the smaller hole with wrap and place the ball in a coffee cup with the smaller end/ hole at the bottom.

How to fill it

4. Completely fill the ball with your premixed fluid.
5. Now close the wrap tightly over the upper hole of the ball. Remove the ball from the cup while making sure that lower and upper hole are still tightly covered and carefully wrap the entire foil around the ball. Next station is your freezer.

Dog treat balls - how to fill balls with two openings for freezing
Fill it to the edge. Take a bowl that allows to cast a narrow stream to fit into the ball’s hole.

TIP: If you messed it up and your ball starts massive leaking into the wrap, because the holes weren’t really covered tightly, you don’t have to mess up your freezer, too. Just remove the wrap over the bowl with your filling leftovers and let the filling flow back from the ball into the bowl. Unwrap the ball, wash & dry it, take a new piece of plastic wrap and start over.

Ready for the freezer

Below you see what it looks like when the ball is filled, all wrapped up and ready for freezing (the filling looks white in these pictures, because it’s a different recipe (pictures above & below where taken at different times). I usually freeze the ball over night. But a couple of hours should also do the trick.

Dog treat balls - how to fill balls with two openings for freezing
The tightly wrapped ball before freezing it.

Hmmmmmm – so yummy!

The picture to the left below shows the unpacked frozen ball. The white traces are frozen filling – it always spills a little bit 🙂 But most of it stays inside the wrap during freezing. Now Mila gets her frozen treat – pure bullicious joy!

Dog treat balls - how to fill balls with two openings for freezing
Left picture: The frozen ball. Pictures to the right: Enjoy your treat!

A word of warning: This kind of filling WILL make a mess. Because the ball will loose frozen pieces when your dog is busy with emptying it and those thawing pieces will produce stains on carpet etc. I am giving the ball on hard floors and wipe them after Mila has finished. She also likes to enjoy them in her doggie bed, which is ok, because we have washable blankets for her and the mad on her Kan

Hope, I was able to help with this. In this post you’ll find some useful suggestions on fillings for dog treat balls.

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Joco Jankuj
6 years ago

What the filling liquid contains? How was it made?

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