Home » General Dog Training Information – five golden rules of dog training

Dog training is not rocket science! Here are the five basic rules of dog training – really simple!

Hi all, it’s been a while. I’ve been busy lately. But there is still a lot I have to tell about the Bull Terrier breed.


Today I want to start filling this untouched section of dog training with some life, starting with some very basic, but useful – promised! 🙂 – training advice and five of my golden rules for dog training.
I was a training rookie before and I have never passed any kind of professional education for it. Yet, watch Mila’s videos and see what we have accomplished just by adhering to these five simple rules! She is not even two years old now.

General Dog Training Information - Mila during training
Mila is working on the “high five” basic rules of dog training.

Once you have grasped the basic rules and more importantly both of you have found your fun and challenge in doing training, it will be a piece of cake.
If you have never done any dog training before, some people may probably tell you that a Bull Terrier is not the perfect dog to start with. This breed has some reputation as being “hard to train”. So, obviously there must be breeds that are easier to train.
Well, I have never trained other dogs than a Bull Terrier before and I can relate to the statement that these dogs are “independent thinkers”. However, I do in no way think that this should keep you from training your Bull Terrier.

Reason one: Dog training is fun!

Dog training is an awesome way of getting to know each other’s speed of learning, interests, talents and overall improve communication and bond, especially when your dog is still a puppy. But even if your Bull Terrier is older. There is a saying in Germany: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Well, I think you CAN! It is all a matter of motivation. So, don’t care how old your dog is, just experiment and see how far both of you can get.

Reason two: Dog training is a good way to mentally challenge your very smart Bull Terrier and keep him busy

It does not actually replace a walk or a wild session of wrestling or fetching balls. But it can be a great addition, which is especially useful, as it is so hard the drain the battery of a Bull Terrier puppy.
Bull Terriers are competitive, if challenged and tremendously adventurous and curious, which I consider a huge pro for dog training. They sometimes seem a little laid back an slouchy, when they do tricks – unlike other dogs that seem to be all eyes and ears around their owners. But as long as you do not try to raise a tin soldier, watching the way the deal with challenges will make you laugh every now and then and even enhance the fun.

Reason three: Dog training gives your Bull Terrier guidance of how to be a good citizen

Provided, you are willing to spend some time, patience and effort, you may not only end up with a dog that is capable of performing one or the other cool trick. You may actually help your dog to a more desired behavior and vastly increase the effectiveness of your everyday communication.
Yes, you can of course buy a “no-pull-harness” and try your luck with that. But wouldn’t it feel so much better to be actually able to tell your dog to “heel” or “slow down” and have it respond to that command?
Or, wouldn’t it so much nicer, if your dog did not go up on people or would leave the food alone you just spilled on the kitchen floor, just by you telling him to “leave it!’

Alright, let’s cut to the chase! What are the basic rules?

Read on about the golden rules of dog training on the next page

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Obedience training & socializing your dog
9 years ago

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8 years ago

Hi there,

We have an 18 month bull terrier and comes across as a very “naughty” dog. We have trouble walking him and getting him in the car ect.
Is there anything you can recommend.

merari villatoro
8 years ago

Hola Dorothea, a Luke lo rescatamos a los 7 meses en diciembre de este año ahora ya tiene 1 añito que cumplio el 30 de junio, el es dulce cariñoso, pero…….. tiene momentos de euforia de locura, sabe sentarse muy bien aprendio a hacerlo muy rapido pero todo lo demás nos cuesta…. aveces creo que tiene sindrome de atencion disasociada, jjajajaaj. Estamos intentado seguir tus pasos.
Por ahora quiero que pare cuando camina y compre una correa larga y lo detenemos, pero…….. aveces regresa y aveces estamos horas esperando que se le antoje regresar. algun tip para esta tarea, (por cierto acabamos de comprar el clicker)

8 years ago

We adopted an 18 month old intact male 3 months ago. We are his 3rd owner. The first one abused him. He is at the vet now recovering from neutering. He is very dog aggressive and has recently become people aggressive while on walks. We are working on obedience training but almost ready to give up. He seems to be getting worse with people including me. He is becoming food aggressive with me. Would like your thoughts. This is not our first bull terrier. We adopted a male and had him 12 years

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