It’s a good thing that there are people also caring about the weakest members of our society. Animals and pets in particular clearly count towards that group. While many pets luckily are living a happy and pampered life, others are not so lucky.
Being abused, beaten or neglected – if lucky – ending up in shelters – if unlucky – tortured until dead!
Today I came across a petition I want to introduce here:
By this petition people can urge states to establish laws that require animal abusers to register to a public data base.
This could spare thousands of animals torture and gruesome death. Because the emerging database would help animal shelters to evaluate the background of potential adopters and avoid giving pets to animal abusers.
If you are not convinced yet, wether you want to participate in this appeal, read about the heartbreaking cases of animal abuse.
If you love animals, step up for them! Sign the petition for your state TODAY!